Kubernetes for Executives in Telcos
In the coming decade, the telecommunications industry faces large and rapid shifts, from the move to 5G to changing consumer behaviours that will place more pressure on networks and applications than before. It is estimated that there will be 663 million new mobile internet users in Asia Pacific (APAC) by 2025. The right infrastructure will allow your business to scale into the future.
The move to cloud-native technologies, including Kubernetes, is not a simple one—especially for telcos with decades worth of physical infrastructure and heritage applications. Whether you're dipping a toe in the water of Kubernetes, in the process of evaluation and deployment, or already down the path of telco cloud, with the right approach, it's worth it to be set up for a new digital future—whether that's getting ready for 5G or accelerating innovation in applications.
This white paper evaluates how telcos can improve the speed of development and innovation by laying the right foundations—using technology to guarantee low latency and manage vastly increased bandwidth volumes for years to come.
Download the white paper now!
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