Artificial Intelligence

2023 Digital Trends
After two years of seismic behavioural change, we find ourselves in a new world of limitless possibilities,...

5 Uncomfortable Truths About Phishing Defense
When over 90% of breaches start as phishing emails threats that email gateways miss and other defenses...

Cyber Risk Commands C-suite's Focus: The State of Email Security 2023
As companies grow more skittish over rising economic volatility and intensifying geopolitical tensions,...

Make Artificial Intelligence Real
There's nothing artificial about making the world a better place. Over the last several decades, technology...

Future-Proof your Organization's ERP System
Organizations need a clean core for transformation and future-proofing their ERP investment. No matter...

Dell EMC PowerStore: Data-centric, Intelligent, Adaptable Storage
This report provides a brief introduction to Dell EMC's PowerStore mid-range storage appliance and documents...

6 Ways to Deliver Business Value from your Cloud Data Warehouse
Data-driven digital transformation requires the ability to deliver trustworthy insights faster than your...

6 Ways to Future-Proof the Hospitality Workforce
A guide on how a workforce management strategy can help manage the hospitality labor problem. ...

State of the Data Environment and Job Roles, 2022
With the rapid shift toward data-driven organizations, data professionals administrators, engineers,...

The New Era of Fraud: An Automated Threat
Fraudsters employ bots and automated attacks that scour apps looking for any opportunity to hijack business...

7 Leading Machine Learning Use Cases
Machine learning drives results While machine learning has moved beyond the hype to become a meaningful...
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