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2020 CIO Cloud Data Management Initiatives

Published by: Veeam UK

According to the results of Frost and Sullivan's Digital Transformation survey, 99% of businesses are engaged in some stage of a Digital Transformation. But the path to Digital Transformation can be challenging:- 57% of IT leaders cite 'Insufficient expertise' as a restraint in deploying their Digital Transformation initiatives- $20 Billion of ransomware costs predicted to be reached by 2021- 52% of IT leaders cited 'Migrating applications or data to cloud' as a key challenge that hinders their IT initiatives
How can you overcome these challenges, move a stagnating Digital Transformation effort and deliver the results your company needs to succeed?
Read this new Frost and Sullivan executive brief and learn how to deliver Backup Modernization, Security and Compliance, Hybrid Cloud Acceleration.

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Lang: ENG
Type: Whitepaper Length: 12 pages

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